- Digital poster
- 尾﨑先生. Staging of Liver Fibrosis Assessed by Quantification of Hepatic Extracellular Volume Obtained by Dual-energy CT Would be Easier-to-Access than Previous
- 久綱先生. Free breathing acquisition using radial sampling and compressed sensing improves success rate and image quality of gadoxetic acid enhancing liver MRI in elderly patients
- 舟山. Intensive respiratory instruction reduces transient motion artifact in liver dynamic MR examination using gadoxetic acid
- Educational poster
- 市川先生. Tips for Differentiation Between Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with Bile duct Invasion and Cholangiocarcinoma with Pancreas Invasion
- 市川先生. Many Faces of Uterine Fibroids: Imaging Findings of Degenerations, Differential Diagnoses, and Complications
- 尾﨑先生. Not Always What It Seems: Exploring Mimickers of Liver Malignancy
- セミナー講演
- 市川先生. 肝臓領域におけるdual energy CTの現状. Radiology Seminar “F”. 富士製薬工業株式会社


Montreal大学An Tang教授にプレゼンする久綱先生


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